Sandy Hook Beach Sweep

Since 1985, over 115,800 volunteers have participated and removed over 5.9 million pieces of debris from New Jersey's beaches and waterways.

Since 1985, over 115,800 volunteers have participated and removed over 5.9 million pieces of debris from New Jersey's beaches and waterways.

With our mission to connect, entertain and inspire Monmouth County, FC Monmouth aims to be more than just a club playing soccer once in a while. We've partnered with Clean Ocean Action (a leading national and regional voice working to protect waterways using science, law, research, education, and citizen action) to take care of our shore ecosystem. On Saturday April 21, 2018 at 9am they hold their 33rd annual Annual Beach Sweep and FC Monmouth is volunteering to help clean the beach at Sandy Hook. Want to join us? Please submit your information below and we'll send you some final information on where we meet up a few days before.

COA Beach Sweep Registration

PLEASE NOTE: For a safe and successful Sweep, please follow the tips below:

-Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult
-PLEASE bring and wear your own gloves! Gardener's gloves are best or even winter gloves (as they may be washed) or rubber gloves will work
-Attend rain or shine
-Dress for the weather (It's usually chillier at the beach)
-Wear Sunscreen
-Stay off the dunes
-Respect wildlife
-Wear close-toed, hard-soled shoes such as sneakers (open-toed sandals, please)
-Reduce single use plastics and bring a reusable water bottle

When you are finished, please remember to bring your data card and garbage bags (all of which are provided for you) back to the centralized meeting location, tally your data, and give to the Beach Captain at the end of the Beach Sweep.

See you at the Sweeps!